Understanding Health Care Protocols

When I adopted a pair of twins, one of the first things that struck me was how many doctor's appointments they needed to go to. As we took them to all of their baby well-checks, I realised that these appointments were designed to find and address issues early before they caused other problems. Fortunately, our family paediatrician found a few critical problems that we were able to resolve head-on, and it was immensely helpful. Check out this blog for information about health care, preventative care, and helping your child to enjoy a better life. I know that some of these tips helped me, and I know that they can help you too.

Don't Let The Flu Ruin An Industry Award Acceptance Speech


Special events to honor a professional's grand achievements are forever memorable. Looking back at winning a top professional organization's award for marketing and sales excellence could be a career changer. Competitors may choose to offer a lucrative deal to lure away such a pro. Yes, the evening could be extremely memorable but it may end up being memorable in a bad way. Suffering from the flu might lead to skipping the awards ceremony and losing out on very important industry-wide attention. Worse, speaking from the acceptance podium while struggling through the flu won't exactly be a good thing. Taking careful steps to avoid the flu could prove to be a good thing for one's health and career.

Avoid Workout Woes

Hitting the treadmill at the local gym for some sprints could lean the body out to look a little better when speaking in front of a crowd. Walking out of the gym while sweaty could bring about the awful influenza virus everyone dreads. Waiting a while in the gym after taking a shower is an obvious wise thing to do. Even wiser would be to check the weather report prior to heading to a fitness center. Skipping the workout on a very cold or rainy day might be best.

Supplement a Diet with Vegetable Shakes

Not all shakes on the market are designed for weight loss or muscle building. A number of shakes are designed to fill the body with helpful and necessary nutrients. "Green shakes" are designed to give the body an awesome supply of vegetables and all their nutrients. All sorts of different vegetables help fight the flu including spinach and peas. Cooking up steamed vegetables is not always easy. Mixing up vegetable shakes in a blender is about as simple as heating vegetable soup in a microwave. By the way, eating vegetable soup is good idea, too.

Plan Out a Flu Shot

Waiting too long to get a flu shot increases the chances of the flu virus running amok. December is the latest in which a flu shot should be rendered. Afterwards, the ghost of the flu is going to haunt someone who needs to be at his/her best health for a late-January awards show.

Get a Checkup

If the calendar rolls into January, requesting a checkup from the doctor to assess flu risks would be worth the time investment. In addition to making suggestions on how to avoid the flu, the doctor may uncover other potential issues that might hamper having an easy time making an acceptance speech.  


22 December 2016