Understanding Health Care Protocols

When I adopted a pair of twins, one of the first things that struck me was how many doctor's appointments they needed to go to. As we took them to all of their baby well-checks, I realised that these appointments were designed to find and address issues early before they caused other problems. Fortunately, our family paediatrician found a few critical problems that we were able to resolve head-on, and it was immensely helpful. Check out this blog for information about health care, preventative care, and helping your child to enjoy a better life. I know that some of these tips helped me, and I know that they can help you too.

What Are The Best Hearing Aid Options For Children?


Hearing loss at an early age has become quite common. More children are being born with a reduced hearing ability, while in some cases the condition is the result of early childhood diseases. Regardless of the cause, it's important to intervene early. This will ensure that your child doesn't fall behind with their learning and also with their language and social development.

Choosing the right hearing aids for your child is important since it will affect their interaction with the world. Which options should you go for?

In-The-Ear Hearing Aid

This type of hearing aid has a plastic case that fits inside the outer ear. When there is mild to severe loss of hearing, this type of hearing aid will work quite well.

One advantage of this type of hearing aid is that it can accommodate other devices that improve hearing. For example, you can add in a telecoil. These devices help to improve the quality of sound heard during phone calls. This can be an important factor for a teenager.

Behind-The-Ear Hearing Aid

This type of hearing aid is easily placed behind the ear and is connected to an earmold in the outer ear. Where there is mild to severe loss of hearing, this type of hearing aid can be used. However, proper fitting is important to prevent feedback. This type of hearing aid is easy to use, making it a good option for younger children.

Canal Aids

As the name suggests, this type of hearing aid is fitted into the ear canal. These have to be custom-made to fit the ear canal of the wearer. This type of hearing aid is recommended for those suffering from mild to moderate loss of hearing. For teenagers who may be self-conscious about wearing hearing aids, the less-conspicuous nature of these canal aids will be quite attractive. However, you should consider that the small size of these hearing aids makes them harder to remove and adjust.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Hearing Aid

Choosing a hearing aid is not simply about what looks good. You'll have to consider factors such as ease-of-use, an important thing for small children. Children are also likely to be outside when it rains, and you'll need devices that are built to withstand such conditions. However, the most important factor will be the level of hearing loss. Being able to hear better will matter more than what looks good.

To learn more information, reach out to clinics like the Desert Knolls Hearing Center.


4 March 2019