Tips For Helping Your Child Cope With The Emotional Fallout Of Allergies


Having allergies as a kid isn't any fun. It might be harder for your child to play outside, go to birthday parties, or do other normal kid stuff. However, the emotional symptoms can be just as bad as the physical symptoms. This is because your child might be embarrassed about the fact that he or she can't eat cake at a birthday party or because they have to go to the nurse to get medication because he or she is coughing too hard during pollen season.

7 December 2016

Tips For Talking To Your Parents About The HPV Vaccine


If you are a teen under your parent's health insurance, there is a good chance that you go to the same doctor that you have been going to since you were little and that your mom or dad makes your appointments and goes with you. This can make asking the pediatrician personal questions somewhat difficult because you might be too embarrassed to do so in front of your parents or that asking your parents to leave the room is too much conflict.

7 December 2016

Reasons Why You Should Consider Drug Testing Your Employees


If you work in a high stress industry or have employees that you suspect that are coming in to do their jobs while under the influence of drugs, you might be tempted to drug test. However, you might not know if it is going to be a financially viable solution or if it is going to lower morale. Here are some questions that you should ask yourself in order to determine if drug testing at your company is a good choice that is going to be effective.

6 December 2016

Tips For Coping With Adult ADD


If you have had ADD when you were a child and now have it as an adult (or were recently diagnosed with it as an adult) you might be at a loss as to what to do. You might know that you have a hard time paying attention, prioritizing tasks, or other utilizing organizational skills that require focus. You might know that your difficulties will make it hard for you to work as well as you could or interact with other people as easily as others do.

6 December 2016

Can't Seem to Lose the Weight? 3 Reasons You Should Try Cryotherapy


If you've tried everything to get rid of those extra pounds, and you just can't seem to lose the weight, it might be time to turn the temperature down – way down. It's time to consider cryotherapy weight loss treatment. If you're not sure what cryotherapy is, it's the process of literally freezing your body tissue. Here are three reasons why you should use cryotherapy to achieve the weight loss you've been hoping for.

6 December 2016

4 Things to Expect from Radiation Therapy


If your physician has recommended radiation therapy, you likely have many questions about what to expect. This uncertainty can raise fears and create unnecessary stress. While every individual's experience will be different, there are critical factors that remain consistent. Discomfort Is Common It might be comforting for someone to tell you that you won't experience any pain. However, this wouldn't be entirely true, and it would inadequately prepare you. Radiation therapy itself does not cause pain; it's the side effects that come along with the treatment that are troublesome.

6 December 2016

What You Need To Know About An Eye Infection


Eye infections are more common than people think. Children and adults alike are susceptible to getting infections in their eyes, which is why it is so important to know how to detect an eye infection and how to treat it. Here are some things you need to know. How Do You Get An Eye Infection? One of the first steps is knowing how an eye infection is caused. Infections happen when your eye is exposed to bacteria and is unable to flush out the bacteria so that the eye becomes infected.

2 December 2016

Why Pediatricians Ask Questions About Milestones


Pediatricians recommend annual well-visits for children of all ages, and one of the reasons for this is to make sure your young child is meeting developmental milestones. These milestones vary depending on the child's age, but they include things such as talking, eating, dressing, playing, and interacting with other kids. Here are a few important things you should know about these milestones. Ask According to Averages Each time you bring your young child in for a well-visit, the doctor will ask you a series of questions.

2 December 2016